They run away. Tiger sees the mice. He is scared. He runs too. 他们开始逃跑时,Tiger也看到老鼠们,他也很害怕,于是他也跑开了。
Because cats are known to back down ( escape, run from) dogs, kids use this to make fun of their scared classmates. 因为,众所周知,猫会害怕、逃避狗,于是孩子们便用这个来取笑他们胆小的同学。
I aint never gonna run, I aint scared no more 我不会跑开,也不再害怕
This time around, though, some members of the-original dotcom generation of disruptive Internet companies are among those that are starting to run scared. 然而,这一次,破坏性互联网企业中的一些元老级公司也开始恐惧了。
I jump up and I run away when I'm scared. "What!" he exclaimed. 当我害怕的时候我跳起来逃跑。
Woods does not want to run, is not the strength to handle long legs scared. 呜兹不是不想跑,是早就吓得没了力气使唤双脚。
But, drawing on off-the-record conversations with Chinese officials, shirk argues that the leaders run scared of being outflanked by nationalist critics. 但谢淑丽称,根据与中国官员的私下谈话,这些领导人害怕被民族主义评论家所包围。
It's right across the street, so I can run home if I get scared of the dark. 就在马路对面,这样如果我怕黑我可以跑回家。
If you try to run away from it, if you are scared to go to the brink, you are lost. 如果你不能够掌握这种艺术,你就不可避免地要卷入战争,如果你企图从那里跑开,如果你害怕走到边缘上,你就失败了。